
Thursday, May 31, 2012

JURIST - Paper Chase: ACLU challenges Minnesota voter ID ballot initiative

JURIST - Paper Chase: ACLU challenges Minnesota voter ID ballot initiative
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
ACLU challenges Minnesota voter ID ballot initiative

Rebecca DiLeonardo at 2:18 PM ET

Photo source or description
[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU-MN) [official website] on Wednesday filed a petition [press release] seeking to eliminate a proposed ballot initiative [text] that would amend the Minnesota Constitution [text] to require citizens to present photo identification in order to vote. If allowed to proceed, the initiative will appear on the ballot in the upcoming November election. In a statement, Executive Director of the ACLU-MN Charles Samuelson said the initiative did not adequately inform voters of the effects of the amendment:
This ballot proposal is incredibly troubling because it asks voters to put an amendment in the constitution in a manner that is misleading, confusing and unclear. Voting is one of the most important rights we have, and this amendment aims to take away that right from the most vulnerable, under the guise of a seemingly innocuous photo ID requirement.
The petition was filed on behalf of five individuals as well as the League of Women Voters Minnesota, Jewish Community Action and Common Cause Minnesota. There are now
32 US states [NCSL backgrounder] that require voters to present some form of ID at the polls, but the issue remains controversial. Earlier this month, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell signed Virginia's new voter ID legislation, which will require voters to show one form of acceptable identification [JURIST report] in order to cast a vote. Last month, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed a bill requiring voters to present photo identification [JURIST report] in the upcoming November election. Also in March, a Wisconsin judge ruled unconstitutional [JURIST report] the state's voter ID law requiring a voter to display photo ID when entering a polling place to vote. In February, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson filed suit against the US Department of Justice (DOJ) over its ruling that barred South Carolina [JURIST reports] from enforcing its voter ID law. In November, Mississippi voters approved a ballot measure [JURIST report] to implement a voter ID law.

Monday, May 21, 2012


To Hon. MN Sec.State Mark Ritchie in his Official Capacity as Election Official
                 Elections and Open Appointments Counter (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., M-F)*
Office of the Secretary of State
180 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55155-1299     
Phone Lines: (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., M-F)*
Metro Area 651-215-1440; Greater MN 1-877-600-VOTE (8683)

Fax:   651-296-9073
                                       AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY E-COMMERCE and
                              Depositing in the US Mails in St.Paul MN 55102, postage prepaid $5.15 +75cents Del. Confirmation 03111660000144593259 today Mon.21st2012.
                               Address Above.
                             Contents: 1. Affidavit of Candidate Sharon Anderson Republican Senate64
                                                  Notarized  Jenna C. Laman Comm ex Jan31,2014
                                                  2.US Postal MO Amt. $100.00  NO. 20056452750
                                                  3. Copys Receipts Card and this Letter Doc.
                                          AFFIDAVIT FILING STATEMENT RE:PENALITYS PERJURY
 MN today filing 4 Senate64  If only Licensed Lawyers can file electronically then the Taxpayers must Not Pay for CourtBudget.
"The denial of electronic filing to pro se parties is a significant violation of due process rights.  It gives attorneys a clear advantage.  It denies pro se parties valuable evidence of wrongdoing.  In federal courts, the clerks refuse to give a pro se party the NEFs (Notices of Electronic Filing), so the court and the attorneys have information that the pro se parties do not have.  It is an outrageous situation.


William M. Windsor
Office: 770-578-1094
Fax: 770-578-1057
P.O. Box 681236
Marietta, GA 30068      
                         Major CivilRights Violations in Minnesota, Court Corruption "taking" RealEstate,Homestead when Taxes were paid, with NO Mortgage. on the Graves of our Heritage without Quiet Titles.
                                    i.   1988 Judicial Corruption of Lesbian Judges Joanne Smith and Kathleen Gearin, chair SCAP Panel acting in Concort with DFL Senator Dick Cohen in the Commitment Process to reduce the citizenry to poverty,
                                   ii.   1997 Heinous Court Commitments via Corrupt Judge Gregg Johnson also with SCAP Panel, his Commisioner Wife Susan Haigh manulipating the 94 Thousand Bill at St.Peter and Brainard State Hospital Major Fraud with USA Social Security of the Andersons.
                                   iii.   2000 The Commitment and Murder of Cpl.Anderson via Judge Gregg Johnson of the SCAP Panel acting in Concort with Incumbent DFL Senator Dick Cohen also Independent Contractor to Commitment Persons.
                                    iv.  Separation of Powers Doctrine mandates DFL Senator Dick Cohen RESIGN, either from the "BAR" or as Senator. Heinous Violations MN Const. Art. III.
                                     FURTHER:  If Dick Cohen's life style is that of a Gay Man, he must disclose to the Voting Public.

Electronic File & Serve

Odyssey File & Serve (OFS) User Alert

Filings which include multiple lead documents per selected event are negatively affecting the court record and are making it very difficult for Judicial Officers and Court staff to quickly find and efficiently locate selected lead documents in the electronic record.  Filers are being contacted in order to remedy this issue as soon as possible.  The Courts cannot resolve this filing issue alone and are asking for your help to avoid delays in processing your e-filed documents.  Please review and follow the proper e-filing procedure here and contact either Court with questions. more... 

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Effective Monday, April 18th, the Second Judicial District welcomes all law firms and attorneys to begin e-filing.  To start the process: 1) Please choose a firm adminstrator (Administrator Duties document) 2) The Firm Administrator must contact the court to arrange training, at which time they will be given specific information on how to register the firm in the Odyssey File & Serve system. Once the firm is registered, you can start using Odyssey File & Serve in your civil and family court cases. 

e-file Support 

Technical Support: Tyler Technologies 800.297.5377 or
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Petitions to Determine Core Functions of Government
Jerusalem, May 21 – "Senior members of the judiciary and senior officers of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel exploited the transition to electronic record systems to create legal and/or electronic back doors, which undermine the integrity of the legal records of the State of Israel," says Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO).

Criminal complaint (No. to assigned) has been filed today with the Israel Police by Dr Zernik against Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel. [1] The Complaint alleges Fraud and Honest Services Fraud by Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI, jointly and/or separately, through the usurpation of the office of Registrar of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001).
Human Rights Alert online
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            Sharons Evidence of Court Corruption_Denied Access_DueProcess

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Current Candidate MNASSOCJustice_Senate64 This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always beLEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835: HEALTHCARE

Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010 Blogger: Homestead Act of 1862 - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson | ScriDocument's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home | FAIR USE NOTICEen specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Acknowledge gained as financial journalists , recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade recommendation published on the Internet, USSC Tracking whistbleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26 The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0 Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARDMACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g andFCC Complaints -

-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
To: "'Sharon'" <>
Subject: Sharon - Lawless America...The Movie -- UPDATE
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 17:43:42 -0400

William M. Windsor & LawlessAmerica

Dear Sharon

I look forward to interviewing you for Lawless America…The Movie.  The road trip begins in 25 short days.
Here’s what the Mobile Film Studio (RV) will look like.
If you haven’t sent us some of the information that we have requested, PLEASE send it ASAP.  At this point, missing information is really causing us problems.
Here is information about the TalkShoe calls that I conduct on Sundays from 5-7 pm Eastern Time and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-midnight Eastern Time.  If you go to, there is a link for TalkShoe in the right column on the Home Page.  In that column, you will see SEARCH, Join the Cause, Lawless America TV, and then the blue icon for TalkShoe.  Click on that icon, and it will take you to the Lawless America Channel on TalkShoe (or click HERE):
If you are not experienced with TalkShoe, I suggest that you go to and register so you have a username and password so you can login for the calls and participate by phone or by chat.  This page provides a basic explanation.  This page has a short video that explains how to Talk & Participate – it’s the purple circle icon on the far right of the page beneath the video window.  Click on it and watch.  If you don’t have unlimited long distance, you can join and participate in the conversation by computer where there’s no telephone charge – here’s that information.
So, I hope that makes it easy to join in.
All the best,

William M. Windsor -- Office: 770-578-1094 -- Fax: 770-578-1057
P.O. Box 681236 -- Marietta, GA 30068

Sunday, May 20, 2012


JURIST Voting Rights Act: Sen.DickCohenSeparationPowers

JURIST - Paper Chase: Federal court upholds key provision of the Voting Rights Act
                               QUESTIONS:   MN Affidavit Candidacy placing Lawyer_Judges_County
Attorneys re: Law License Requirement is Unconstutionally Vague,Misleading the Right to
Vote4Hold Office, Separation of Powers:
                               THEN AND THEREFORE:  Licensed Lawyers in the Legislative_Executive
Branch's must resign: Specifically DFL Dick Cohen also Independant Contractor

Saturday, May 19, 2012
Federal court upholds key provision of the Voting Rights Act

Matthew Pomy at 10:25 AM ET

Photo source or description
[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia [official website] decided [text, PDF] to uphold Section 5 [DOJ backgrounder] of the Voting Rights Act [text] Friday, affirming the ruling of the district court below [JURIST report]. Section 5 requires covered jurisdictions to clear changes in voting districts, polling places and other electoral processes with the Department of Justice (DOJ) [official website] or federal courts. It relies heavily on patterns of past discrimination to determine which state, county and local governments must obtain pre-clearance for election changes. According to the DOJ [list of jurisdictions], nine states and many additional individual counties and municipalities are Section 5 covered jurisdictions. This particular challenge comes from Shelby County, Alabama. In validating the re-authorization of the Section 5, Judge David S. Tatel [official profile] wrote in his opinion:
Congress drew reasonable conclusions from the extensive evidence it gathered and acted pursuant to the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, which entrust Congress with ensuring that the right to vote—surely among the most important guarantees of political liberty in the Constitution—is not abridged on account of race. In this context, we owe much deference to the considered judgment of the People's elected representatives.
The Senate voted to extend the act, including the Section 5 provision, in 2006 by a vote of 98-0. There has been significant controversy [JURIST comment] surrounding voting rights recently, especially in regards to voter ID laws that are spreading around the US. There are now 30 US states [NCSL backgrounder] that require voters to present some form of ID at the poll, including 11 states that require photo ID. The DOJ has rejected the Texas and South Carolina [JURIST reports] voter ID law. Last year Missouri's Governor vetoed a proposed photo ID law, and the Georgia Supreme Court upheld a law [JURIST reports] requiring one of six government-issued photo IDs. In 2010, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit struck down [JURIST report] a portion of Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration. Florida and Arizona [JURIST reports] are also currently bringing challenges to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012


Legal Notice to Lawyer DFL Dick Cohen Senate64, has for 20+years violated MN Const. Art. III Separation of Powers, Further Cohen as Independant Contractor to Committ Person
making over $1,500 monthly pr client is Criminal Intent to Violate
his Oath of Office Electioneering apply to Sharons Complaint soon to be filed

Contact: David Vance 202-736-2200

Funders of Electioneering Communications Must be Revealed: Appeals Court Denies Stay

Late yesterday, a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a motion to stay a lower court ruling in Van Hollen v. FEC that requires comprehensive disclosure of funders for groups making “electioneering communications.”  Millions of dollars have already been spent this cycle on electioneering communications and those funding them will now have to be revealed.  

“This is a huge victory for voters, for disclosure, and for democracy because Americans deserve to know who is trying to buy results in our elections,” said Trevor Potter, Campaign Legal Center President.  “This decision is an important step towards fulfilling the Supreme Court's promise in Citizens United that all spending in our elections will be fully disclosed -- disclosure that has been frustrated until now by the FEC.” 

The case was brought by Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) to challenge a 2007 FEC regulation that narrowed the scope of federal disclosure requirements connected to electioneering communications. On March 30, 2012 the district court granted summary judgment for Van Hollen and struck down the regulation, holding that it was arbitrary, capricious and contrary to the federal campaign finance statute it purports to implement. 

“Electioneering communications” are broadcast advertisements that name a candidate and air within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days of a general election.  Groups making electioneering communications are now required to disclose all their donors of more than $1,000 or establish and use a segregated fund for electioneering communications.

“The FEC gutted the law passed by Congress to the point that compliance with it became optional,” added Potter.  “Assuming these Court decisions hold, funding of many of these electioneering communication ads will no longer be secret.  That is not the end of the legal road -- the FEC regulations of funding of ‘independent expenditure’ advertising still contain loopholes that are contrary to the disclosure mandated by Congress -- but this is an important step towards full disclosure.”

On April 26, 2012, the FEC announced that it would not appeal the district court decision.  However, the two corporate funded non-profit groups that have intervened in the case appealed the decision to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and moved both the district court and the Court of Appeals to stay the district court decision pending their appeal.  On April 27, 2012, the district court denied the motion for a stay.

The Legal Center and Democracy 21 are part of Rep. Van Hollen’s pro bono legal team, led by Roger Witten of the law firm WilmerHale.

To read the Circuit Court’s order, click here.
To read the District Court filings and decision, click here.

Sharon vs. DFL DickCohen64:AbolishSCAP

I X 0-9

Sharon Anderson

State: Minnesota
Corruption Experience:
  • Government Corruption
Subject Type:
  • Victim
State: Minnesota
Located in: